Free PDF Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler

Free PDF Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler

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Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler

Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler

Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler

Free PDF Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler

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Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler


Ellie May wants desperately to be flag leader in class this week, but can she figure out how to please her teacher? Ellie May hasn't been flag leader in months even though she waves her hands enthusiastically every morning to be picked. Her class is learning about U.S. presidents for Presidents' Day, and Ellie May figures that if she can act like a president, maybe Ms. Silva will pick her. Chopping down a class plant so that she can tell the truth about it, as George Washington supposedly did, doesn't work. (Ava, know-it-all-turned-friend, and Ms. Silva both explain that the cherry-tree story is a myth.) Taking apart the class pencil sharpener because Abraham Lincoln liked taking gadgets apart completely backfires. When she owns up to her actions though, she is surprised by the results. The classroom is ethnically diverse—Ellie May, Ava, and Mo appear black (notably, Ava has a dark skin tone); the teacher presents as white. While the text clarifies that presidents were just people, the uncritical glorification of historical presidents by black kids (who would have been treated poorly by them) seems a little off-key. For more of her antics, see Ellie May on April Fool's Day. An appended note on the Pledge of Allegiance omits mention of "under God"; it's followed by a note on Presidents' Day. Like a Clementine of color, Ellie May is a protagonist readers can feel for even if they don't share her preoccupations.—Kirkus ReviewsSecond-grader Ellie May is a live wire with a good heart and less good impulse control. In Ellie May on Presidents’ Day, she’s desperate for her chance to be class flag leader, but when she tries to impress her teacher with her devotion to George Washington–style honesty, she ends up insulting her classmates instead. In Ellie May on April Fools’ Day, our heroine is jealous of Mo, the class funny guy, and wants to pull off a great prank herself; unfortunately, she takes things too far. Ellie May is a sympathetic heroine in her yearning for recognition (“Mo’s funny. Ava is smart. You’re artsy. I just want to be something too”), and the episodic chapters make for approachable and humorous early reading. Spirited, cartoonish black and white art has an appropriately chaotic edge in its interpretation of Ellie May’s diverse classroom and mixed-race family. Since the relevant holiday gets decent coverage in each book, this offers the possibility for solid curricular use as well as an amiable new series friend. —The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Book

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About the Author

Hillary Homzie has written several books for tweens, including Things Are Going to Get Ugly, The Hot List, and Queen of Likes for Aladdin Books of Simon & Schuster. She lives in Napa, California, with her family.Jeffrey Ebbeler has illustrated more than forty picture books, including Melvin the Mouth and Tiger in My Soup. He has worked as an art director, done paper engineering for pop-up books, created large scale murals for schools and churches, and sculpted puppets.

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Product details

Age Range: 6 - 9 years

Grade Level: 1 - 4

Lexile Measure: 520L (What's this?)

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Series: Ellie May (Book 1)

Paperback: 112 pages

Publisher: Charlesbridge (December 18, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1580899285

ISBN-13: 978-1580899284

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.4 x 7.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

9 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#819,952 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Ellie May is at it again! In this book, Ellie May wants to lead the class in the flag salute before Presidents' Day. The harder she tries to show good character, the more often her teacher moves Ellie May's clothespin into the orange, or warning zone. It's not enough to wear red, white, and blue, as she soon learns. Will Ellie May ever demonstrate true leadership qualities and lead the flag salute? You'll enjoy finding out, and you'll learn some cool presidential facts with Ellie May!

Ellie May on Presidents' Day is tremendously engaging, and offers Hillary Homzie's distinctive storytelling grace and a lot of surprisingly interesting nonfiction info about several American presidents and the Pledge of Allegiance. There's also compelling and effective drama as Ellie May longs to become her class's "Flag Leader" despite her often awkward attempts to behave and win her teacher's approval. Last but not least there are so many witty and funny lines and moments. This evocative, compelling, character-driven book is superb.

This is the first book in a darling new chapter book series that features fun and expressive illustrations. I received a copy to use as a reader with the student that I mentor. We read the second book (Ellie May On April Fool’s Day) first and we both loved it. So, when I read Ellie May on President’s Day on my own, I was already familiar with the cast of characters in Ms. Silva’s second grade class.Hillary has done a wonderful job of capturing the antics and the angst of this age group. These stories subtly teach history and character building as Ellie May and her mates tackle life in the second grade. I highly recommend this series and it would make a wonderful gift for young readers.

Here's the thing...there are kid books that are entertaining and there are kid books that are well-intentioned but didactic boring. Ellie May on President's Day manages to be sweet and engaging but Ellie May on President's Day also teaches kids the value of determination with a just right dose of American history.Ellie May is sweet and rambunctious, but she is determined and well meaning. Take her big, sweet personality and throw in some history about our founding fathers and you have a wonderful book that you'll love reading to your kids.The illustrations are darling and reflect a multi-ethnic school universe that is refreshing.This book would also make a great gift!

Ellie May is a new favorite character in our house! A little girl with a very relatable problem- whenever she tries to do something great, things tend to get a little mixed up. Fortunately, Ellie May never gives up!

The new Ellie May chapter book series by Hillary Homzie is hilarious, guaranteed to keep young readers engaged, and a must have for school and classroom libraries. As Ellie May explores presidents, kids will learn facts and it will inspire further investigation. I know this series will be a winner in the hands of my third-grade students.

Ellie May is amazing! It is a great read for kids due to the fact that it is not only fun, but also contains great moral and educational lessons for kids. It is written in a way that is not too challenging of a read, but is not dull in any way. These books can be enjoyed not only by kids, but also by the parents or teachers that they may read them with.

This book is such an amazing chapter book to get children introduced to reading! It teaches life lessons while showing the realities of being a second grader and what runs through their minds. It is entertaining, funny, and an easy read! Definitely a book to get for any kid you know to get them into reading more!

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Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler PDF

Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler PDF
Ellie May on Presidents' Day, by Jeffrey Ebbeler PDF

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